On April 5, a 4.8 earthquake occurred in New Jersey. Even though there were no injuries, this event just highlights the importance of knowing basic safety precautions for emergencies. Earthquakes, though uncommon in the eastern side of the US, are unpredictable, making it hard to describe every single situation in which they may occur. These are a few general rules of action to take if you are ever faced with an earthquake:
- If inside
- Stay inside
- Quickly move to an interior room with minimal décor (ex: hanging lights and large unbolted items)
- Hide under a sturdy surface. If this is not present, cover your head and neck under your arms
- If outside
- Stay outside, but find a clear empty space away from any possible debris
- Keep low and cover your body
For more information, consider the following sources:
- An in-depth guide of actions to take during an earthquake based on the scenario: https://www.cdc.gov/disasters/earthquakes/during.html#:~:text=Stay%20inside%20if%20you%20are,%2C%20telephone%20poles%2C%20and%20buildings
- A report of the New Jersey earthquake: https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/us7000ma74/executive