Context: The following script was created for Dramatic Writing class with Mrs. Shiver. The assignment asked that students create an argument during dinner.
Genre- Thriller
Character Trope- the reject
Character Name/ Description- Victor Sterling- the classic reject who desires to have a pretty woman to call his own, his biggest flaw is that he will do anything to get the woman of his dreams, and he isn’t self-aware and very delusional. In this scene, he is wearing a black long-sleeved button-up and brown pants.
After a long day working at the local bank, Victor comes home to his girlfriend setting the table for them. He slams the door closed and throws his bags on the floor.
Honey, don’t close the door like that. You almost took the screws right off.
Victor stares at her as he opens the door once again and closes it softly. Eleanor scoffs as Victor sits at the two-person table. Eleanor sits down across from Victor as he just stares at her.
How was your day at work love?
Victor scoffs as he picks up his fork and picks with his food.
It was great… until Liam deposited another check.
Will you ever get over him? He is just a family friend, nothing more.
Victor grips his fork harder and gets more tense.
He must be stealing money from someone or something because no one just has that much money.
Eleanor rolls her eyes
No family friend looks at you the way he looks at you.
He’s pretty much a brother to me Victor, don’t be foolish.
Victor quickly looks up from his plate and stares at Eleanor with bullets in his eyes.
Me? Foolish? He kissed you Eleanor, in front of me.
On the cheek, Victor. He was simply saying goodbye.
Eleanor you can’t possibly be serious. He looks at you the way I look at you. His intentions are not good. The man clearly wants you, and the way you’re defending him makes me think…
Victor loses his strong stare towards Eleanor and his eyes fill with emptiness.
.. You want him too.
Eleanor’s eyes roll back once again in plain exasperation.
You’re being idiotic, I’m not cheating on you.
Victor picks up and slams his plate on the floor. It shatters into pieces as the uneaten food is littered on the floor.
Dang it Eleanor, don’t lie to me!
Victor slams the table causing him to stand up. He picked up a steak knife at the edge of the dinner table, the cold steel biting into his palm, and then he quickly pressed it against Eleanor’s neck. A drip of blood left her skin.
She takes a deep breath, cutting her skin more.
If you’re cheating on me with that guy, I’ll show you insane.
Victor gives her one last crazy stare then releases the knife from her throat. Eleanor pushes herself away from Victor and leaves the room.
Victor watches her leave the room and slams the knife down on the table. He puts his head down and starts to cry.