Please congratulate the Mustang Marksmen on winning the Area 9 GHSA Rifle championship for the 23/24 season, as well as earning second place for win/loss record in the Area with a record of 9/10 matches. They will go on to compete against Jackson County HS in a sectionals match after winter break.
There were a number of individual marksmen who won Area-wide awards, including Rowan Lyon, who earned season high score awards for both standing (96) and kneeling (98) positions, as well as shooting the highest aggregate score in the finals match (285). Eliza Hunt earned a season high score award in the prone position (100), and both Rowan Lyon and Bisher Ebid were named to the two “All Area” teams comprised of the top 10 marksmen in the Area. The winning match score of 1097 was an all-time team record score and there were a number of other outstanding performances and personal records set this evening. We are very proud of this whole team, and this has been a great season.

Finals match participants:
Eliza Hunt, Abby Bruce, Rowan Lyon, Bisher Ebid, Abdul Mohammed
(team members not pictured but still a big part of this great season; John Foster, Abriella Espinoza, Cian Wallace)