The steps to make a Jack O Lantern are are quick fun and easy. They are always fun to do with family and friends to celebrate Halloween and dress up.
Before starting you will need to get the right things:
A Pumpkin
A Large Spoon
A Big and Small Knife
A Bowl
A Marker
A small Candle
A Lighter/Match
The first step to make the Jack O Lantern is to go outside preferably in a driveway this is where you will make the Jack O Lantern it is the perfect place and easy to clean.
You will first cut the stem and top off to make a lid with the big knife. You need to cut it off in a angel so it does not fall into the pumpkin.
After that you use the big spoon to remove the meat of the pumpkin and put it into the bowl.
Tip you can use the meat and seeds to make some pumpkin pie.
Then using the marker sketch out the design you want to put onto the pumpkin, usually people draw a scary face.
Using the big and small knife you cut out the drawing. The small knife for more detail parts and the big knife for bigger cuts.
After cutting the design out place the candle into the pumpkin and when ready light the candle with the lighter or match then close the lid, and see your pumpkin come to life.