Hello, dear Mustangs! Who is ready to start a new month? I know most people would say, “Not me! I’d rather be asleep!” but we must all gain knowledge of certain things. But, how can we keep up with assignments, be ready for tests, or even be prepared for pop quizzes (that last one was made for the English department)? Well, take it from a person who struggles with all of this, there are many ways to be organized for this school year! Here are ways to ready for the school year:
1. Note Taking Strategies
Printing notes: Some teachers have a PowerPoint slides full of their lessons and what they will go over with students. Is possible, print these notes down. This way, you write less and there is more time to focus!
Color-coding: Students usually write notes in pen or pencil in one color! But this strategy, especially in math, WILL confuse you. Color code to make sure where steps or problems differentiate or change.
Dividers, binders, spirals: Dividing units or lessons is crucial, mostly in Social Studies or Science classes. Divide lessons and units so you don’t get confuse on what you should be studying. Teachers sometimes say, “Our quiz is over Lesson 2.1-2.4,” but you didn’t write the lessons down or are mixed up with another subject’s notes!
2. Studying
Quizlet: Yes, Quizlet is a good app to have on your phone, besides Safari or what not, because this can help you memorize vocabulary words and can improve your lexicon (see what I did there? Hehehe)! I use this app to help with Ap Psychology terms, Sadler Vocabulary terms, and even Coach Reasons’s AP US Govern Politics class!
YouTube: Yes, YouTube can help you with school, besides those making slime tutorials! I watched this teacher showing lessons for the Area and Volume unit on Calculus while I was away for surgery (brain tumor, BTW). I studied all that unit all by myself and got an 85 on the Unit Test when I got back (slay!). If I can do it, why can’t you?
Ask Questions: Don’t be shy! Ask your teachers questions! Yes, you might look stupid, but teachers are there to help you! You don’t want to get a poor grade just because you didn’t ask questions!
3. Dates
Planner: I recently bought this Star Wars Planner to remember when I have to turn in an AP Econ assignment or when my French 3 quiz was, and it’s helping me catch up! You don’t have to buy an expensive planner, but do buy a small $10 one.
Calendar: Get a white board calendar to help you know important dates so that yo can remember when a test is or when you have an assignment due. Trust me, do all these steps, and you will be successful!
And….. that is it! Three ways, with examples, to be a successful student this year! If these steps don’t work for you, try something else! Not all smart heads think alike!