Clubs are something that our school has plenty to offer. By joining clubs in our school, you can learn more about topics that you are interested in and make new friends with the same hobbies.
Two of the most known clubs in our school are DECA and Mane Link. DECA is a marketing-based club that focuses on introducing high school students to marketing opportunities and helping prepare them for future job applications. Mane Link is the student body government that oversees the planning and execution of many of our school events, such as homecoming, shop with the mustang, the special ed. dance, and many more! Not to mention that they both look amazing on college applications!
There are also a lot of less-known clubs like the Technology club, Gay-Straight-Alliance, HOPE, Art club, ASL, Ultimate Frisbee, and a lot more! By joining any of these clubs you can meet people who have similar interests and hobbies as you. There are so many chances to make new friends and become more social.
Think about joining one of our school’s many clubs to meet new people and experience new things! We encourage everyone to get involved and to help our community grow.